Writing Reaction Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry | Download Book Pdf

Writing Reaction Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry | Download Book Pdf

In revising this text for the second edition, a major goal was to make the book more user-friendly for both graduate and undergraduate students. Introductory material has been fleshed out. Headings have been added to make it easier to locate topics. The structures have been redrawn throughout,

with added emphasis on the stereochemical aspects of reaction mechanisms. Coverage of some topics such as solvent effects and neighboring group effects has been expanded, and Chapter 6 has been completely reorganized and extensively rewritten.


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Writing Reaction Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry


As in the previous edition, the focus of this book is on the how of writing organic mechanisms. For this reason and to keep the book compact and portable, the number of additional examples and problems has been minimized, and no attempt has been made to cover additional topics such as oxidation-reduction and organ transition metal reactions. The skills developed while working through the material in this book should equip the reader to deal with reactions whose mechanisms have been explored less thoroughly.


I am most grateful to the reviewers, who gave so generously of their time and experience in making suggestions for improving this book. Particular thanks go to series editor Jim Whitesell, who cast his eagle eye over the numerous structures and contributed to many stimulating discussions. Thanks

also to John DiCesare and Hilton Weiss, and to John Murdzek, who meticulously annotated the entire manuscript both before and after revisions. Any comments regarding errors or suggestions for improvements in future editions will be most welcome.


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Writing Reaction Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry


Finally, my warmest thanks go to my husband, Dan, and to my children, Michael, Sarah, and Jeremy. Their loyal support, unflagging patience, and bizarre sense of humor bolster my spirits daily and shortened the long hours involved in preparing the manuscript.

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