Kumar And Clarks Clinical Medicine | Download Book Pdf

Kumar And Clarks Clinical Medicine | Download Book Pdf

Kumar And Clarks Clinical Medicine | Download Book Pdf

Clinical Medicine is now approaching its 30th anniversary. It was first published in 1987 and is now firmly established as a companion to all medical students, young doctors and healthcare professionals. The book has been described as the ‘gold standard’ guide to clinical medicine and, with an excellent author team, we have striven to keep to these high standards. There are several innovations in this edition. We have added two new chapters: Women's health and Global health. Women's health has been added to include women's disorders as well as those occurring in pregnancy. Global health has now entered the curricula in many medical schools in acknowledgement that inequalities and inadequacies of healthcare worldwide need to be vigorously tackled to improve the health of all people.

Infections travel fast across continents, as we have seen with the emergence of Ebola and Zika virus epidemics. To allow for fuller discussion of diseases posing particular problems in specific parts of the world, further short Special Topics have been written for the e-book by expert members of our International Advisory Board.




It is a difficult task to be both a comprehensive reference book and also be learner-friendly. However, we have taken much advice from our readers and sought to address this challenge in two main ways. In the print book we have redistributed information in several chapters to break down the content and facilitate learner engagement. Larger chapters have been subdivided. We have added diagrammatic overviews to all the appropriate systems-based chapters; headings have been put into colour to define whether the text relates to management, disease or basic science. In the e-book that accompanies your print copy, we have appointed a team of registrars, under the editorship of Adam Feather, to take on the task of providing online key learning outcomes, clinical tips, drug tips, videos, audio, extra images, and self-assessment to help learners of all levels to get what they need from the content. Keep checking your e-book to be advised of further developments, as we are also working to provide ‘scaled’ versions of the text online (which allow the reader to ‘zoom’ in or out for different levels of detail). We very much hope you will enjoy reading this edition and find the information easily accessible for learning. Thank you all for your suggestions, which are always welcome.


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